Somewhat TOP SECRET: Stilting Concepts

As a designer, builder, performer, I am always tinkering in the shop! A concept I have been toying with the last few years has been with different styles of ARM STILTS! I have produced a few sets and actually performed with them. I have to admit, it is a new, exciting and different experience. I’ve learned a few things about the design and use of this thrilling idea that I will be expanding on in the months to come.

New Arm Stilts (Pit Style)
I’ve created these for a special performance and wanted to offer them to the stilting community because they offer a whole new layer of possibility! They are generally used with our 2″ leg stilts and can be decorated to create a stunning performance look!
We currently have a short production of these with limited availability at the moment. Please contact us to inquire!
Custom Stilting Products
Many people in the stilting community approach me with their ideas for custom concepts. Please feel free to contact me and share what you have in mind for a new design or to customize our existing products. We are always interested in great ideas and servicing our customers.